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Accounting (CPA) Malpractice

Scott Saltzman served on the Colorado State Board of Accountancy for eight years (1999 - 2007) and has been teaching ethics to certified public accountants for approximately two decades.  Mr. Saltzman was also president of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (2002 - 2016) and therefore has been very involved in the valuation and litigation community.

Mr. Saltzman specializes in evaluating the following areas of CPA malpractice:

  • Business valuation

  • Litigation support

  • Auditing

  • Accounting

  • Financial reporting (compilation, review, and audits)

  • Standard of care (ethical and conflict of interest matters)

Mr. Saltzman's practice includes evaluating, preparing an expert report, and providing expert testimony in court for both the plaintiff and defendant.

Saltzman LLC (c) 2024

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